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LEX Africa Alliance and its members celebrate Chambers Rankings 2020

LEX Africa is pleased, to once again be ranked as a Band 1 Regional Law Firm Network – Africa Wide by Chambers and Partners!

Since its inception in 1993, LEX Africa has displayed considerable commitment to the African continent and its mission of developing professional legal skills and business. Its addition of firms in North and francophone Africa in recent years has bolstered its already-sweeping coverage of the continent and cemented its presence across all the major language speaking regions. The network is increasingly focused on integration between its member firms, utilising events to foster common professional values, approaches and standards, as well as to build deep professional relationships.” – Chambers and Partners

Apart from the ranking of the alliance, there were  45 member firm rankings and 111 individual lawyer rankings across many practice areas.  There were many new rankings as well, which we feel very proud of!

We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our member firms for their outstanding achievements. This showcases the expert knowledge and expertise on the ground in each of our 26 member countries.

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