LeBooster Voyageur – Doing Business in Africa and the Middle-East

'LeBooster voyageur' offers Members of fellow French Chambers in Africa & the Middle East a facilitated and preferential access to our regional LeBooster premises on their first business trip in a country within the region, including as follows:


1-Day Freemium Access*:  

  • Meeting with a Chamber representative upon arrival 
  • Access to a Hot Desk (subject to availability)
  • Free Wifi  
  • Tea & Coffee 

Preferential Access during your trip: 

  • Access to LeBooster amenities at a local Member's conditions & rates on your first trip
    (subject to availability)

Welcome throughout the region regardless of the existence of a Business Centre: 

  • Meeting with a Chamber representative upon arrival 

*Half a day in Morocco.



LeBooster is a CCI France International brand that brings together all the Business Centres of French Chambers worldwide. Our International network made of 124 French Chambers across the world provides countless opportunities for your development abroad and business trips.


We rely on a network of local chambers & partners


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