Africa Intermodal and Rail 19-20th June 2019

Sandton Convention Centre,

Event ended.

Register today for the largest multimodal event in Africa

Our newest member -Terrapinn presents to you Africa Intermodal and Rail exhibition

Africa rail and Africa Intermodal has grown to become the largest and most established Multimodal event in Africa. The event now enters its 23nd successful year, hosting over 28 African countries, 200 global speakers and the best suppliers in rail and Multimodal sectors from across the globe. From humble beginnings as a small conference with a handful of exhibition stands, it now takes up 2 massive halls at the Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg. Africa Rail has grown to become Africa’s most important and best supported railways and Intermodal conference and exhibition. For over 2 decades, Africa Rail has become the undisputed leader. It is an unrivalled platform for the continent’s Multimodal industry to come together … to learn, to network and to do business.



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