Member Webinar | Bouncing higher after the storm: Energizing the Money Time
Event ended.
As the After-Lockdown Marathon 2020 comes to an end, it is time to Energize the Money Time.
The pandemic has brought a lot of uncertainty and rapid changes to this very special year.
In sports, the Money Time represents the last minutes of the game where we are hyper focused. Energizing the Money time will be very important to ensure efficiency in the last moments of 2020, and because the way we will finish the year will set the tone for 2021.
In business, the Money Time represents the last month of the year, and it will be crucial for leaders to align their objectives with High Energy within the teams.
In these last moments of the year, it’s time to move from “Playing Safe » to « Playing Bold ».
It’s time to shift from the “protection mode” into the “conquest mode”, even if the first three quarters of 2020 had consumed lots of energy of your colleagues.
In this webinar Luc Van der Hofstadt, Executive Business Coach & Country Director South Africa, will share with you:
• The importance to continue to Play Safe for our people and to Play Bold for our business.
• How to shift from the “protection mode’ to the “conquest mode”.
• Show the team an inspiring “light” & make them feel the “warmth”.

Member Webinar | Bouncing higher after the storm: Energizing the Money Time
Event ended.