Tenders & Business opportunities

Digital Energy Challenge 2023

The AFD (Agence Française de Développement) is pleased to announce the third edition of an initiative to boost digital innovation in the energy sector in Africa, which may be of interest to your organization.

Building on the success of the first two editions of the Digital Energy Challenge, the 2023 Call for Projects is now live. This annual initiative targets both start-ups and public utilities (or private utilities with a public service delegation) in partnership with an innovative technology and/or service provider developing projects in Africa. The Challenge is organised by the Digital Energy Facility, a four-year programme implemented by AFD (Agence française de développement) and funded by the European Commission and the French Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME).

The Challenge supports the scaling up and implementation of innovative digital solutions and business models that increase energy access, foster the integration of renewable energy and improve public utilities’ performance and quality of service.

Challenge winners will benefit from project funding of up to 500K€ for public utilities and 150K€ for start-ups, including technical assistance. A joint bootcamp with multi-sectorial experts will also be organized to support the projects’ implementation.

Attached is an overview of the 2023 Call for Projects (Digital Energy Challenge Teaser). Please do not hesitate to share this widely in your network and specifically with any contacts who may be interested in applying.

Discover the 2022 edition here and the winning projects here.


Do not hesitate to contact the Challenge team for more information: contact(@)afddigitalenergychallenge.com.


Download Digital_Energy_Challenge_23_Teaser_EN_100072_.pdf  (PDF • 790 KB)

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