
FSACCI donation to the Société Française de Bienfaisance de Johannesburg (SFBJ)

The FSACCI made a very generous donation to the Société Française de Bienfaisance de Johannesburg (SFBJ).


The Beaujolais Nouveau is a yearly French tradition that has become an international event not to be missed! The FSACCI hosted the 2022 Beaujolais Nouveau on Thursday, 17th November ; a great opportunity to network and have fun.

This year, in the spirit of giving and sharing, the Board of Directors pledged all the income from the raffle tickets to SFBJ, (Société Française de Bienfaisance de Johannesburg) a non-profit organisation that helps French residents in our community who are facing challenging times.

SFBJ is grateful to all those who contributed and greatly appreciates the donation of R6 000. 

For more information on SFBJ please contact contact(@)


Photo (from left to right): Erwanne Meilhoc, GM FSACCI, Etienne Chapon Consul General of France in Johannesburg and Honorary President of SFBJ, Hélène Bezuidenhoudt President SFBJ

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