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New Member | Alliance Francaise Pretoria

Alliance Française de Pretoria is a French learning institute and cultural event centre in Pretoria. Established in 1951, the non profit organisation has been providing people with a relaxing environment to learn French at their own pace ever since.

The institution also offers social and cultural events for their students. In order to create a fully immersive educational experience, Alliance Francaise teachers are trained to use various communication methods.

The teachers are more than qualified, they’re either holders of Masters in teaching French as a Foreign Language or trained through various programmes implemented through the Embassy of France in South Africa and training centres in France.

They also offer and facilitate the DELF/DALF Exam. The DELF and DALF are diplomas awarded by the French Ministry of Education to prove the French-language skills of non-French candidates. The Alliance Française in Pretoria is the only official DELF/DALF accredited exam centre in Pretoria.

To learn more about Alliance Francaise visit

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