BNP & RCS: "The grand finale of the Rising Star tennis challenge"

BNP Paribas, together with RCS, and Tennis South Africa were organising "The grand finale of the BNP Paribas RCS Rising Star tennis challenge" in the heart of Soweto after 7-month journey. This programme aims to support grassroots tennis and to inspire a new generation of tennis players.

The  BNP Paribas RCS Rising Star Tennis programme impacted positively tennis through the creation of a national school’s championship at primary school level, with the participation of 350 primary schools nationwide, reaching even the most disadvantaged communities in South Africa - highlighting the inclusive virtues and capabilities of tennis.

Kevin Andersen and Lloyd Harris thrilled the crowds with a powerful match and inspiring the children across the nation with the wish to lend their support to the game at home, and help develop the future of South African Tennis by impacting national youth.

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