Analyses & Studies

Enhanced Security: CIPC Introduces Multi-Factor Authentication for Director Amendments

As of 4 December 2023, the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) has implemented multi-factor authentication for filing director amendments. This crucial addition prioritizes digital security in today's landscape, safeguarding against fraudulent activities and preserving the integrity of director amendments in company registration.

Here's what you need to know about the updated authentication process:

1. Automated Processes Only: Manual processing of director amendments and director contact details is no longer available. Transactions must be completed solely through automated processes.

2. Verification with the Department of Home Affairs (DHA): Identity card details, including issue dates, are now verified against records held at the Department of Home Affairs (DHA). Discrepancies between the issued card/book and DHA records are beyond CIPC's control.

3. OTP Verification: Both the filer and the directors affected by changes, such as appointments or resignations, must undergo OTP (one-time password) verification.

Before filing a director amendment, the filer must ensure that the email and cellphone numbers of the impacted directors are accurate and up to date. This proactive measure ensures smooth processing and compliance with CIPC regulations.

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