Communication - Press

Lycée Jules Verne Hosts Inaugural Interact Gala: A Night of Fundraising Success

The first ever Interact fundraising gala took place on Wednesday 22 May 2024 at the Lycée Jules Verne Johannesburg campus.

The LJV Interact club is a non-profit student-led club that has been raising funds for multiple organizations, through yard sales, food sales and various projects. We currently have 33 members in our group.

They have worked pretty hard this year working for 2 organizations in particular: The Little Rose Centre  and Creche Gabrielle.

The school invited the local Rotary club (the President, Greame Homes was also there for the evening) as well as parents & business partners we’ve been working with throughout the year.  Mme Haudiquer, our Principal was of course present as well as Mr Etienne Chapon, Consul-General in Johannesburg and some FSACCI Chairperson Dr Yves Guenon and General Manager, Erwanne Meilhoc. 

The students, with the help of school management, the Club Entreprise (business club) and staff of course, organized the event to raise funds for these two organizations. Mathilde from Marchal Studio volunteered her time to decorate the hall. We had two artists Sophie Rouliot Batteux and Calixte showcase their work and three singers (two of whom were LJV students) entertain guests during the event.

We’re hoping to continue the event in coming years and hopefully get more partners involved in raising funds for a good cause.

If any of the FSACCI members would like to get involved (be it through donations – monetary or otherwise, they can reach out to Mrs Marel Wentworth via the following email mwentworth(@) 

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