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New Member | Africsearch 

Welcome to Africsearch, who joined the FSACCI network!

Africsearch is a leading Head-Hunting and Human Resources Consulting firm in Africa.

It aims to bridge the skills gap in Africa and find the best talent for the continent.  With offices in Africa, Europe, and the United States, AfricSearch recruits the highest calibre of executives and managers in Africa as well as around the globe. With experience across the continent, AfricSearch boasts with its ability to incorporate the African essence in each of its projects as well as leveraging cultural and technical diversity.

The firm has been operating for 60 years. The AFRICSEARCH-ALEXANDER HUGHES group is present in more than 40 for countries worldwide, with a team of more than 150 consultants covering several fields of expertise from financial services to technology. 

For more information about Africsearch, click here:


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