Analyses & Studies

Security Breach Exposes Personal Data: CIPC Takes Swift Action

In a recent development, the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) of South Africa experienced a security breach, resulting in the unauthorized access and exposure of personal information. 

The incident prompted immediate action from the commission, which swiftly shut down certain systems to contain the compromise.

The breach, detected through the commission's firewall and data protection systems, raised concerns about the safety of sensitive data stored by the CIPC. 

While the full extent of the breach is still being investigated, the commission acted promptly to notify affected individuals, emphasizing transparency and compliance with data protection regulations.

In response to the breach, the CIPC issued a warning to its clients, advising them to remain vigilant and monitor their credit card transactions closely. 

Additionally, the commission stressed the importance of authorizing known and valid transaction requests to mitigate potential risks. Read more here.

Amidst this security challenge, the French South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FSACCI) is hosting a workshop on Cyber Criminality scheduled for Thursday, May 2, 2024.

Gain valuable insights and strategies to combat cyber threats. Register below:

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