Event report
2019 FSACCI Annual General Assembly
On Thursday June 13, the French South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FSACCI) organised its Annual General Assembly (AGM).
On Thursday June 13, the French South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FSACCI) organised its Annual General Assembly (AGM), at ENSAfrica in Sandton.
It was a time to come back to the past year and celebrate our strong network.
A new MOI
During this evening, which gathered around 60 of our Members (and 80 rights of vote), the Chairman of the Chamber, Dr. Yves Guénon, introduced our new Memorandum of Incorporation (MOI), which was then approved by the Members through a vote. The new MOI can be summarized with three words: Governance, Ethic and Strenght.
- It ensures a more efficient governance through a stream-lined Board of Directors (between 10 and 15), an increased engagement and accountability (2 endorsements to become a Director) and more renewal and stability (1/3 of board members renewed each year)
- It elevates compliance and exemplary governance, as it meets the requirements of the Compagnies Act of 2008, it instaures a no conflict of interest rule for Directors, and reminds that Directors are community centered and do not receive any financial compensation.
Annual report
After the Minutes of the 2018 AGM were approved, the Chairman Dr. Yves Guénon and the Vice-Chairperson & Cape Town Representative Philip Géromont made a Directors report. Then, the Treasurer Sébastien de Place presented the 2018 Annual Financial Statement. Finally, the Executive Director Jean-Claude Lasserre talked about the 2019 new objectives and strategy.
You can download the 2019 annual report here.
Election of the new Board of Directors
The new Board of Directors was elected by the Members with secret ballots, and the Executive Committee got elected by the new Board of Directors.
We would like to congratulate the new Directors and the new Members of the Executive Committee:
New Members of the Executive Committee:
- Dr. Yves Guénon, Chairperson,
- Angelika Yakovchuk, Vice Chairperson,
- Jean-Claude Lasserre, Vice Chairperson,
- Philip Géromont, Vice Chairperson,
- Alexandre Vaillant, Secretary,
- Sébastien de Place, Treasurer.
New Members of the Board of Directors:
- Alexandre Barrière-Izard,
- Cédric Serre,
- Daniel Daphné,
- Frank Deroche,
- Karen Longley,
- Luc Koechlin,
- Roger Latchman,
- Stéphane Laroche,
- Thomas Palix.
Find the Board and Executive Committee here
The evening ended with a cocktail & networking moment.
Thank you to ENSAfrica for hosting the event.