Companies news

Acquisition of DCLM by Veolia Group

Acquisition of DCLM by Veolia Group

Veolia is pleased to announce that DCLM is now part of the Veolia Group, a global leader in optimized resource management with nearly 171 000 employees worldwide who provide water, waste and energy management solutions that contribute to the sustainable development of communities and industries.

Through its three complementary business activities, Veolia helps to develop access to resources, preserve available resources, and to replenish them. Veolia has been present in Africa for 21 years. With over 6 870 employees in Africa, Veolia’s Group recorded revenue of €1 billion in 2018. In South Africa, which represents a key country in the Group’s development strategy, Veolia already recycles 98% of Durban’s waste water (since 2001) and treats the industrial wastewater of Arcelor Mittal’s steel production site in Johannesburg since 2015.

As the leader in optimized resource management, this acquisition represents a new step in Veolia Group's expansion in the industrial waste business in South Africa. Integration with DCLM has begun with a key focus on developing and enhancing treatment solutions. Veolia believes that its expertise will enable its customers to adapt more quickly to the rapidly changing legislation environment. Beside Veolia, DCLM’s commitment is stronger than ever.

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