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Class Action Litigation in South Africa

Congratulations to FSACCI Platinum member Nortons Inc whose Director John Oxenham co-wrote the recently published “Class Action Litigation in South Africa” – the first text of its kind in South Africa. Edited by John Oxenham, Max du Plessis, Luke Kelly, Sarah Pudifin-Jones and Isabel Goodman (all of whom are recognised for their involvement in the pivotal class action litigation matters both in South Africa and abroad), Class Action Litigation in South Africa promises to be a leading resource for companies, practitioners, judges and academics alike.  

The book collects, describes and interrogates the first class action judgments in South Africa, aiming to go beyond the existing and ground-breaking Supreme Court of Appeal and Constitutional Court judgments on class actions, and makes practical suggestions regarding the issues that are likely to arise for practitioners, judges and academics as they encounter class actions in South Africa. Class Action Litigation in South Africa seeks to ensure a home-grown understanding of class actions for our country, but also offers the reader first-hand exposure to lessons learnt from international experts in class action litigation. The book thus embraces contributions from around the world that are wide-ranging, straddling the fields of law, economics, social justice and politics. The book presents important and useful insights into class action litigation from local and international experts.

> As FSACCI Member, you are invited to the launch:
Date: 2 August 2017
Time: 17:30- 20:00
Venue: Inanda Club, Forrest Road, Inanda
RSVP to michael(@)

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