Event report
FSACCI Coffee Table on Corruption-11th of June
On Tuesday, 11th of Jun we welcomed Keeran Madhav, director of Forensic Service at Mazars, to talk about Corruption: a practical approach.
On Tuesday, 11th of Jun we welcomed Keeran Madhav, director of Forensic Service at Mazars, to talk about Corruption: a practical approach.
The presentation went through various case studies (GSK, Rolls Royce, BNP Paribas) to then look closer at the different anti-corruption legislations in the USA, Great Britain, South Africa and France. Towards the end of the workshop, Keeran Madhav gave tools on how to prevent corruption in a business environment.
Many questions were raised by the participant, which made this FSACCI Coffee Table very interactive.
Thank you to all the participants, and a special thank you to Keeran Madhav and Mazars with whom we always appreciate to work with.