Invitation - La French Tech
In collaboration with Orange Business Services - La French Tech supporting digital skills development initiatives in Africa.
In the presence of Ambassador of France to South Africa, H.E. Mrs Elisabeth Barbier
Please join us to discuss the following key topics:
- French Tech
- Skills development
- Capacity building
- Digital (development of the Youth)
With our host :
- Country Manager of Orange Business Services South Africa, Yannick Decaux
And the following speakers
- Lead Ambassador of French Tech CPT Hub, Christophe Viarnaud
- Senior Manager Incubation at SEDA, Tervern Jaftha
- Co-founder & Director at WeThinkCode, Camille Agon
- Digital Lab Coordinator, Frederic Chambon
- Gauteng Growth and Development Agency, speaker TBC
And meet us around a free networking cocktail
Thursday September 15th 2016 - 5:30 for 6 pm
RSVP is essential:
Orange Business Services Offices
18 Eglin Road, Sunninghill, 2157
Johannesburg, South Africa