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Leading Language E-store opens - Enjoy R150 Vouchers!

Leading Language is proud to inform you of their brand shiny new language e-store which went live on their birthday, 2nd September!

You are now only a click and a shopping cart away from language learning! 

Leading Language currently has six languages in store (General English, Business English, French, German, Portuguese and isiZulu) and hopes to soon have more languages and business skills workshops available.

All the lessons are live, delivered virtually by their dedicated team of trainers. This means that you can continue to learn safely and independently of where you and your trainers are located. All you need is your laptop, PC or smartphone and a good internet connection.


Because it is their birthday month, Leading Language is giving away R150 vouchers for any purchase of language lessons on our new e-store!

• Vouchers are valid until 08 October 2020
• Vouchers are valid for one purchase only
• Use the promo code xyz2020 in the checkout

Why learn a new language? 
• Experience a different culture
• Open up new job opportunities
• Make new friends and impress the old ones!
• Spruce up your CV
• Pursue your travel bucket list!
• Exercise your brain – it’s a scientifically proven fact!
• It’s cool, it really is!

Whether you are a beginner or just wanting to brush up on your existing knowledge, Leading Language's live e-lessons are for you. Your lessons will be online using the video-conferencing platform of your choice with their experienced tutors.

At Leading Language our lessons are serious fun!


About Leading Language

Leading Language offers high-quality, custom-made language training programmes adapted to your company culture and budget. They also perform language audits for recruitment and training requirements and first rate translation and interpreting services.

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