Actualités  •  The Chamber

New board of directors following the Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The French South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry, on Thursday 02 November 2023 held the Annual General Meeting (AGM) followed by a Cocktail Network.  

The AGM looked at the performance of the chamber in 2022 following the COVID-19 period that hit the economy hard.  

The chamber is happy to report that improvements were made in the 2022 period which saw FSACCI regain profit but most importantly its feeling among other foreign chambers in the country.  The 2022 profit was an exceptional year, to recover financially from the previous years and review all processes. 

The aim of the chamber is not to make a profit since it is an NPO but to ensure stakeholder relations among its members in France and South Africa. The chamber's objective is to ensure a healthy working environment between the two countries 

The chamber saw an increase of memberships in 2022 of about 150 members in vs 113 in 2021. 

In this session of the AGM a new board of directors were elected, Lee Chana, Thuli Phiri, Dr Yves Guenon, Sebastien De Place, Philip Geromont and Francois De Thomasson. 

In 2022 the chamber welcomed a new team Erwanne Meilhoc as General Manager, Margaux Schaubroeck as Head of Events, Marketing & Communication and David Mvondo Mvondo as the Project Officer. 

For any questions related to the AGM, contact business(@)


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