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Stratogo's Global Sports & Inclusion Day

"Disability is a mindset", and that point was clearly displayed at the Global Sports & Inclusion Day sponsored by Stratogo and held on August 17th in Mandeville Sports Club, Johannesburg. This was a way to promote inclusiveness in our societies through sports in a wheelchair basketball tournament.

The event started with an introduction to the history of wheelchair basketball and was attended by elite athletes from the national South African team. Leon Fleiser, from the South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee and former Paralympic top player, gave such a heart-warming speech about overcoming disability through sport.

The event offered its audience the chance to play basketball in a wheelchair to raise awareness by being in the shoes of those who are disabled. Thanks to the event all participants learnt to be more careful about things that could exclude disabled people, such as putting things at the supermarket where they can not reach them and taking their parking slot.


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