Companies news
The African Storyteller: Founder & MD Receives Award at the 2021 BRICS Women Innovation Contest
The FSACCI network congratulates Thuli Phiri on her Special Recognition Award
At the BRICS Summit on November 17, 2020, the Chinese President proposed “the holding of the BRICS women’s innovation contest”, which received support from BRICS leaders. In 2021, the BRICS Women Innovation Contest, jointly organized by the Chinese Chapter, WBA, and co-sponsored by the Indian, Russian, Brazilian, and South African Chapters.
During the 2021 BRICS Women Innovation Contest held at the end of July 2021 in Beijing, Thuli Phiri was selected for the Special Recognition Award.
We congratulate her on this excellent achievement.
About The African Storyteller
The African Storyteller is Africa’s foremost Business Communications and Stakeholder Relationship Management company that is 100% Black Woman-Owned and with a Level 1 B-BBEE rating in South Africa. It was established in July 2017 and services blue chip clients across the African continent.