Companies news
The French VIE Programme (Volontariat International en Entreprise) celebrates its 20th Anniversary!
The VIE programme was created by the Act of 14 March 2000 on civil volunteering.
French companies participating in this programme can give young people from France and the European Economic Area, aged 18 to 28 years, an assignment abroad for a period of 6 to 12 months which can be renewed once.
The VIE programme is an important means for companies to develop their business in new markets internationally, and thereby strengthen the French economic community across the globe. It is also an excellent opportunity for young people to gain solid professional experience internationally and develop their skills.
The Recovery Plan announced by the French Prime Minister, Jean Castex, includes an important Chapter to encourage Export based on three pillars:
i) Cheque relance export (export grant)
ii) Assurance Prospection (covered prospecting budget)
iii) Cheque VIE (VIE grant)
The VIE Cheque of 5,000 Euros is allocated to French SMEs in the limit of two VIEs per company.
FSACCI offers turn-key solutions to host your VIEs in its Business Centers 'Le Booster
A permanent presence in-country is pivotal to creating opportunities and gaining market share. We offer offices to rent in Johannesburg (Sandton) and in Cape Town on a daily and monthly basis, as per your needs.
More than a business centre, LE BOOSTER Jo'Burg and Cape Town work as incubators, also welcoming FSACCI Events, FSACCI Offices. In these places, where fellow members visit and many of our events take place, you'll rub shoulders with other FSACCI members, sharing tips and tricks as well as an open-plan space.