Event report

The Internet of Everything Africa, April 25

On April 25, the French South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Fliptin organized their first edition of their new events series - The Internet of Everything Africa.

We were proud to launch our new event series in partnership with Fliptin. The first installment of the Internet of Everything Africa saw a lively, interactive and productive discussion on Managing racial and gender bias in artificial intelligence. 

First, Maurizio Santamicone, Senior data scientist at Fliptin, gave a presentation about how artificial intelligence could be biased.

Then, three people "pitched their ideas":
- Joseph Mokone presented his start-up Hippocampus Technologies
- Lavina Ramkissoon introduced us to her company Tutti Al
- Lee Chana presented the program AI in Africa

Finally, we had a panel discussion of the topic of Artificial Intelligence with:
- Rakhee Dullabh, senior associate at ENS Africa
- Roger Latchman, Executive Chairman at Maruti Gobal
- Amandine Robin, CEO at Matters


This evening provided the first stepping stone in creating strengthened networks that promote start-ups, incubators and innovation as a whole.


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