Analyses & Studies

Adams & Adams: Africa Top 10 - October 2021

Adams.Africa Advisory brings you the top 10 stories from across the continent

The Adams.Africa Advisory offers regular, insight-driven newsletter briefings that focus on key trends and developments across the continent - developed specifically to help guide clients doing business in Africa.

In this issue:

  • Sasol maintains course on South Arica’s hydrogen plan
  • Telecoms privatisation continues in Ethiopia, Angola as both nations look to expand network access
  • South Africa coal divestment accelerates amid diplomatic push and investor pledges
  • Sinovac, Aspen move toward African Covid-19 vaccine production
  • African Finance Corporation invests in climate resilience
  • EV production and sales is set to rise in Morocco, South Africa
  • SAA and Kenyan Airlines sign a memorandum of partnership
  • West African states launch government-backed digital currency amid spike in crypto uptake
  • African Fintech apps Flutterwave and MNT Halan secure US$320 million during recent investment rounds
  • AB Inbev partners with Siemens to automate its Lesotho operations


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About Adams.Africa Advisory

Adams.Africa Advisory offers a comprehensive range of business, economic, political and legal research services and reports, aimed at providing accurate information and a precise frame of reference for brand expansion and protection in all of Africa’s jurisdictions.


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