Event report

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On Monday 27th of January, the French-South African Chamber of Commerce and the French Foreign Trade Advisors (CCE) were delighted to launch our joint Duo-Mentoring Programme with the official formation of the mentor/mentee couples, under the coordination of Jean-Claude Lasserre, CCE Chairman, and the presence of HE Aurélien Lechevallier, Ambassador of France to South Africa.

The mentorship couples are: 

Mentor : Cedric Sennepin [Leroy Merlin] / Mentee Anne Emmanuelle Grene [Oxalys]
Mentor Thibault Crosnier [Sanofi] / Mentee Clarisse Henrion [HG africa]
Mentor   Christian Tour [Safran] / Mentee Nicolas Hamel [Codra] 
Mentor  Thomas Palix [Engie] / Mentee Victorien Delangue [Elum Energy]

We wish them all to benefit to the fullest from this human adventure and a fruitful collaboration and mutual growth. 


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