Event report
Back To | Exploring Market Inquiries Studies
The French South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FSACCI) partnered with member firm Fasken to host a successful webinar on "Market Inquiries Studies" on Thursday, June 20th, 2024.
The webinar aimed to deepen understanding of Market Inquiries and their role within competition law, specifically focusing on the South African context with comparative insights from COMESA and Canada.
The webinar explored the concept of Market Inquiries and their function within the competition law framework, with relevant inputs shared by COMESA to maintain market competition by regulating anti-competitive conduct by companies.
The session highlighted the implications of Market Inquiries for businesses and broader market dynamics.
Distinguished speakers provided expert knowledge and insights on the topic:
- Palesa Mpe (Fasken, South Africa)
- Lesley Morphet (Fasken, South Africa)
- John Pecman (Fasken, Canada)
- Dr. Willard Mwemba (COMESA)
The webinar provided a valuable learning opportunity for attendees, fostering a deeper understanding of Market Inquiries and their impact on competition law.
Additional Resources
- A recording of the webinar session may be available (check with FSACCI for details).
- For further inquiries, contact FSACCI at events@fsacci.com.