Event report

Back To | FCM Travel Solutions and JCDecaux South Africa's Sustainability Breakfast

Yesterday morning the FSACCI- in partnership with FCM Travel South Africa and JCDecaux Africa, hosted the sustainability breakfast at the JCDecaux premises.

With numerous members from the FSACCI community present, Kamogelo Maerman from FCM Travel SA- presented on the practices that they’ve implemented to promote sustainable travel such as, offering companies sustainable alternatives by providing travellers and the airline companies they use incentives to be more conscious and responsible tourists.

In different areas, such as the type of aircraft they use, only taking flights when it’s absolutely unavoidable and urged leaders such as executives in the company to lead by example when it comes to becoming greener since they have the most influence.

Howard Lonstein from JCDecaux Africa spoke on how SMEs can integrate sustainable practices by changing their thinking around sustainability. The ways they can communicate this through their marketing.  And how companies can include employees in their journey, by getting their ideas and input throughout the process.

There was a Q&A session where our audience engaged with the topic further, by looking not just on a business level but on a global scale.

To end off there was a networking session with a sweet and salty breakfast from Sweet Baguette, offered to our guests. We’d like to thank our partners JCDecaux Africa and FCM Travel South Africa for their efforts and congratulate them on their success.

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