Event report

Back To | Heading towards carbon neutrality

On Tuesday 26th of March, The French South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FSACCI) initiated a webinar on the theme of finding ways to measure your company's carbon footprint and start moving towards carbon neutrality.

It was the occasion to showcase the expertise of our member IROKO Africa, a consulting and engineering company specialized in the development of eco-resilient commerce and industry, and its partner Orki, a French start-up specialized in the development of tech tools that facilitate the calculation of company emissions. 

Jacques from IROKO Africa focused on giving us the right knowledge to better understand the concept of decarbonization, the classification of emissions, and the different key actors that work towards decarbonization.

The key point to remember is that to improve your company's carbon footprint and reduce carbon emissions, you need to measure. Initiatives such as the sciences-based Target initiative (SBTI) help companies monitor their energy consumption and carbon footprint.

Gautier from Orki's demonstrated through a case study how Orki can assist businesses to measure their carbon footprint. Through this case study, we were able to understand how Orki's various tech tools intervene at different steps of the measurement and analysis process to help companies reduce their carbon emissions.


This webinar was an opportunity to take a step towards a greener future.

We thank our two speakers, Jacques and Gautier and we hope that this webinar will contribute to making our planet more sustainable!


To watch the replay, click here

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