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Bombela Operating Company spreads Madiba magic for Mandela Day

In true Madiba spirit, this Mandela month our platinum member, Bombela Operating Company (BOC) focused on helping children in a home for orphaned, abandoned, traumatised children at the New Jerusalem Children’s Home. 

The CEO Nthabiseng Kubheka and 70 BOC staff members put on their overalls and spent the day painting, refurbishing and rebuilding parts of the home. Such as the pavement, and pre-school area.

BOC’s main purpose of the day was to uplift these children who’ve been dealt a tough hand early on in life, and to motivate them to rise above their circumstances.

To make this a reality BOC chose to invest in donating tools that would aid the children’s development, education and future, they donated 20 laptops to the home and blankets and handmade beanies to fight off the Joburg winter.

Helping the most vulnerable groups in society is the embodiment of the Madiba spirit, and we’d like to congratulate BOC for their amazing work.

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