
Employment Equity Amendment Act (EEA Act) - What you need to know

The amended Employment Equity Act introduces several significant changes that you are urged to pay attention to. These revisions, which come into effect on 1 September 2023.

Here are the notable amendments introduced by the amended Employment Equity Act in South Africa:

  • Revision of the definition of a 'designated employer': As of 1 September 2023, only employers with 50 or more employees will be considered designated employers for the purposes of affirmative action provisions. Total annual turnover will no longer be a consideration.
  • The minister has the authority to set numerical targets: The Minister of Employment and Labour has been granted the power to identify national economic sectors and establish numerical targets for each sector. Sectors such as education, agriculture, finance, insurance, and more have already undergone consultations. Sectors yet to be consulted include mining and quarrying, public administration and defense, manufacturing, information and communication, construction, and real estate.

To get more information on the full EEA please visit


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