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Green Energy Revolution is critical

Mazars is at the forefront of solving the power crisis in Africa.  

Mazars' Africa energy transition, Taona Kokera, Director and Lead of Infrastructure Finance Advisory Services, says as an organisation they are excited to be part of the levers that are playing a significant role in reducing the energy crisis. 

"Africa has a complete energy deficit only 56 per cent of our people have access to electricity, 600 million people do not have access to electricity, and could you believe that there are households to date that have not yet switched the lights or simply because they don't have access to electricity," says Kokera.  

He adds Africa cannot have an Energy Revolution without an under pinned Green Energy Revolution. 

"Climate change, the just energy transition has become a mission-critical... It is time to change the narrative of our continent. It is our duty, it is our responsibility. We have to put our hands on deck to work together in terms of finding a solution to solve the energy crisis," he adds. 

Mazars is working with developers and power utility companies to find means to resolve the energy crisis on the continent. The company has devised funding mechanisms and structures that are innovate to resolve complex bank projects that even in non-bankable jurisdictions.  

Kokera urges developers and power utilities to work together in resolving this energy crisis.  

Watch Kokera here.  

Read more on Mazars energy resolutions here.

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