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In Camera Art Publications will launch a new edition of a timeless classic

A new edition of "Johannesburg architecture and heritage" by Patrick de Mervelec will be launched in October 2018 and distributed through leading bookstores. First published in 2013, the book has become a classic.

The photographs focus on the city's historic CBD and are captioned by preeminent architectural historian Clive Chipkin. The book includes a foreword by leading architect Fanuel Motsepe, who works from his colorful landmark building at 130 Fox Street in the CBD, and an introduction by acclaimed urban consultant Neil Fraser, who founded the Central Johannesburg Partnership in 1992.

“I wanted to throw the CBD into the spotlight, because its architectural masterpieces form such an important part of our heritage. The entire history of the country can be traced through these streets and what is particularly important is that this is where our country’s most influential political leaders worked, campaigned, fought legal battles and staged demonstrations to bring about the fall of apartheid. As we all know, too many of these buildings and streets have been neglected. Nelson Mandela’s own office building was in ruins when I started working on this book. The CBD should be a sacred monument, preserved and made absolutely accessible to visitors from all over the country and all over the world. Just like Robben Island.”

Special customised editions featuring company messages, with photographs by Patrick de Mervelec if required, are available on order.

For all enquiries, contact Cally Aurouet on 021 762 3486 or 083 478 8459.

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