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Mazars Messenger | February 2020

Every month, Mazars Messenger carries a combination of unique Mazars thought leadership, industry information and insights.

Every month, Mazars Messenger carries a combination of unique Mazars thought leadership, industry information and insights.

IN THIS ISSUE | February 2020

1. Improving cyber resilience
2. Preparing to sell your business
3. Your annual financial statements: The difference between having them reviewed or audited
4. Proposed amendments to anti-corruption laws will benefit South Africa
5. The CIPC to intensify compliance enforcement
6. Billions wasted while SA’s internal audit profession is not regulated
7. Seven governance priorities for SOE boards in 2020
8. Mazars supports Hortgro with leadership development in the agricultural sector

In South Africa, Mazars is a top-six audit, tax and advisory firm by audit fee income, and one of Africa’s largest audit firms. We work with a wide range of clients – from private clients and local businesses to large corporate companies and global organisations.

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