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Ogilvy Johannesburg and Ogilvy Cape Town among Cannes Top 5 most creative agencies of the decade

Ogilvy Johannesburg has ranked 3rd in the Cannes Lions Middle East and Africa Agency of the Decade rankings, followed by Ogilvy Cape Town, 4th.

Cannes Lions celebrates the companies that have produced game-changing bodies of work time and time again, and these rankings have proven Ogilvy’s ability to consistently produce award-winning work.

Over the past decade, Ogilvy has topped creative and effectiveness headlines, through campaigns for an impressive list of big brands like AB InBev, KFC, Vodacom, DStv, Cadbury, Kimberley Clark, Volkswagen, Tiger Brands, Philips and Unilever, to name a few.

Ogilvy Johannesburg and Ogilvy Cape Town have consistently taken up top creative rankings in large agency tables, culminating in Ogilvy receiving Adfocus Network of the Year for consecutive years between 2009 to 2014, and 2018, as well as the top-ranked agency at the Creative Circle advertising awards for three consecutive years.

“Creative excellence for work that works is our biggest competitive advantage,” says Mathieu Plassard, chief growth officer, Ogilvy South Africa. “We are fortunate to attract and work with amazing talent and clients in our various campuses. We are extremely proud of the recognition given to our Cape Town and Johannesburg offices for their relentless creativity for the past 10 years.”

Last week, Ogilvy was named the Network Agency of the Year at One Show, in recognition of the outstanding work produced across all disciplines for the year, which is the contribution of Ogilvy offices across the world.

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About Ogilvy

Ogilvy is an award-winning integrated creative network that makes brands matter across 132 offices in 83 countries. The company creates experiences, design and communications that shape every aspect of a brand’s needs through six core capabilities: brand strategy, advertising, public relations and influence, customer engagement and commerce, digital transformation and partnerships.

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