
Throwback | Ignite SME Summit

On Wednesday 16th August 2023, the French South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry participated to the Ignite SME Summit 2023, as a partner for this event. 

Sebastien De Place, one of the representative of the FSACCI executive committee and FSACCI director, sat down with The Boardroom, and expanded on how the FSACCI has helped businesses/SMEs (both South African and French) to launch their businesses. He touched on the training centres established by French companies in South Africa, such as Alstom or Mazars, to train the workforce and tackle the high unemployment rate in the country. 

He highlighted the opportunity for French companies to support the South African government to work on inequalities, unemployment, and boost the country's economy to provide a more business-friendly environment. 

To watch the full interview, click here.

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