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Veolia International Health & Safety Week 2023

Veolia Group Director for Health and Wellbeing, Nuno Marques Peiriço, joined Veolia Services Southern Africa for the 9th International Health & Safety Week. 

This year's theme was “Safe reflexes,” which aimed at promoting health and safety at all levels of the organisation and emphasised the need for behavioural changes to promote a safe and healthy workplace. The annual weeklong event was held from 18 to 22 September 2023. 

Veolia designs and provides game-changing solutions that are useful and practical for water, waste and energy management. 

In 2021, the Veolia group supplied 79 million people with drinking water and 61 million people with wastewater service, produced nearly 48 million megawatt hours of energy and treated 48 million metric tons of waste. 

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