
Water Scarcity: Conserving the precious resource with Veolia Services Southern Africa

In 2025, 63% of the world's population will face water shortages. Veolia innovates daily to make water available where it is lacking.

South Africa is losing millions of litres of water every year due to leaky pipes and theft. And this in a water-scarce country.

Water resources are limited in South Africa, especially in the city of Durban. The main challenge in the region lies in managing the supply of drinking water to ensure priority is given to the city’s residents.

Veolia developed a simple solution through the Durban Water Recycling plant, which supplies the city's industries with recycled, cost-effective water of sufficient quality to be used in manufacturing processes. 98% of the SWTW treatment plant's wastewater are now recycled. At the same time, to avoid drawing too heavily on local water resources, 47,000 cubic meters of additional drinking water are supplied daily to the people of Durban – enough to fill 15 Olympic-sized swimming pools every single day.


NCA speaks to Miles Murray from Veolia Services Southern Africa which provides cost-effective, eco-friendly water management.

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