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Call for applications "Contemporary Dynamics: Urban Studies, Democratic and Economic Transformations"

IFAS-Research has a number of Post-graduate research funding and research position opportunities. These opportunities are now open for applications and we invite you to apply, particularly if your research interests align with "Contemporary Dynamics: Urban Studies, Democratic and Economic Transformations".



  1)  Research Fellowships - Doctoral/ Post-Doctoral

One or two doctoral or post-doctoral research positions are available at IFAS-Recherche.

These posts are financed through non-renewable relocation allowances (Aides à la mobilité) for 3 to 9 months (maximum). Successful applicants will receive the scientific and logistic support of IFAS-Research and will become involved in the scientific life of the Institute by regularly taking part in the ongoing activities (conferences, seminars, publications, etc.).

Applicants must be French or registered in a French university or in a French research centre (UMR of the CNRS).
Applicants will be selected on the basis of scientific criteria only, although the integration potential of the project into the academic landscape of Southern Africa will be taken into consideration. Priority will be given to applicants whose research is in line with the research programmes of the Institute:

o   Archaeology and Prehistory

o   Heritage and Medieval, Early Modern and Contemporary History of Southern African Societies

o   Contemporary Dynamics: Urbans Studies, Democratic and Economic Transformations


2)  Call for applications

Master’s students – Doctoral students – Post-doctoral students – Senior researchers

Within the framework of its research programming, IFAS-Research funds each year a number of research projects: collective projects, fieldworks, scientific events, publications.

Nationality is not a condition for application, although the existence or prospect of a long-lasting partnership between France and Southern Africa is essential, particularly for proper bilateral projects. Special attention will be given to young researchers and collective projects.

All applications will be taken into consideration. However, priority will be given to applicants whose research is in line with the research programs of the Institute:

o   Archaeology and Prehistory

o   Heritage and Medieval, Early Modern and Contemporary History of Southern African Societies

o   Contemporary Dynamics: Urbans Studies, Democratic and Economic Transformations

3)  Programme ATLAS 2019 – Séjour de recherche postdoctoral en Afrique australe

Post-doctoral mobility funding in Southern Africa – French/EU citizens

La Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme (FMSH) et l’Institut Français d’Afrique du Sud-Recherche (IFAS-Recherche, UMIFRE 25, USR 3336) have launched a short term post-doctoral mobility programme. This is an exciting opportunity for postdoctoral researchers and young researches who reside in France, to conduct a research visit to a number of Southern African countries (Angola, Botswana, Congo, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Democratic Republic of Congo, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe). Research projects need to align with the IFAS-Research policy as well as its Southern African partners ad researches. Interdisciplinary projects are welcome. The mobility funding will support a 2- 4 month period.

A little about IFAS-Research

"Established by the French Department of Foreign Affairs on the 12th of May 1995, IFAS-Research has been founded to answer France’s wish to take part in the construction of the new South Africa concerning research in the Human and Social Sciences. Its regional mandate over Southern Africa is bringing IFAS-Research to develop cross-projects on the countries of the region as well as partnerships with the Institutes of Ibadan and Nairobi on continental programmes. IFAS-Research supports around 80 researchers every year coming from the most prestigious French and European centres on Southern Africa. Its mission is to promote the creation of mixed research teams through calls for proposals as per annual programmes. IFAS-Research hosts French students and researchers during their field trips in Southern Africa and assists Southern African researchers doing research work in Europe". More about IFAS-Research

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