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ENSafrica’s anti-corruption compliance breakfast seminar

You are invited to attend ENSafrica’s anti-corruption compliance breakfast seminar at which we will be announcing the results of our third annual corruption survey.

Steven Powell, head of ENSafrica Forensics, will also speak about the latest compliance initiatives and regulatory enforcement trends, and provide insights into the requirement for businesses to conduct themselves ethically. 

He will also discuss how to manage the corruption risks faced by businesses expanding across Africa and the importance of ensuring that anti-corruption compliance programmes are operating optimally.

The seminar takes place against the background of the increased global crackdown on corruption. By way of example, the recent Och-Ziff “fixer” scandal revealed grand corruption in a number of African countries, including the DRC, Republic of the Congo, Libya, Chad, Guinea, Niger and Zimbabwe allegedly involving, inter alia, the son of the former Prime Minister of Gabon. 

That action on the part of the Department of Justice in the United States, coupled with the recent enforcement action by the United Kingdom’s Serious Fraud Office against a subsidiary of a South African financial institution relating to bribes paid by a third party intermediary to the Tanzanian government, reflects the increasing focus of international regulators on bribery and corruption in Africa. 

This seminar is a vital update for anyone who has fraud and corruption compliance responsibilities.

3 Sessions: to RSVP click here


Thursday 22 September 2016


07:30am | registration and light breakfast
08:00am - 10:00am| seminar


ENSafrica | 150 West Street | Sandton | Johannesburg


Friday 23 September 2016


07:30am | registration and light breakfast
08:00am - 10:00am| seminar


ENSafrica | 1 North Wharf Square | Loop Street | Foreshore | Cape Town


Tuesday 27 September 2016


07:30am | registration and light breakfast
08:00am - 10:00am| seminar


ENSafrica | 1 Richefond Circle | Ridgeside Office Park | Umhlanga | Durban



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