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InternAfrika Backs 16th Hospitality School Competition, Awards Top Prize

The French South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FSACCI) applauds member company InternAfrika for its ongoing support of the South African hospitality industry.

This year marks the 16th edition of a prestigious hospitality school competition hosted by, a leading online platform for hospitality professionals. InternAfrika, a strong advocate for nurturing young talent, actively participated in this competition by awarding a distinctive prize to the winning student.

Showcook Cultivates Future Hospitality Leaders's competition recognizes and rewards exceptional students from South African hospitality schools. This platform plays a vital role in identifying future leaders within the industry.

InternAfrika Bestows Dream Opportunity

InternAfrika's commitment extends beyond mere participation. This year, they sponsored a remarkable prize for the competition winner: a paid internship in France. This prestigious award includes not only the internship itself but also the plane ticket, visa, and accommodation, providing the winning student with an invaluable opportunity to gain international experience and propel their hospitality career.

FSACCI Recognizes Key Players

The FSACCI acknowledges the significant contributions of those driving this initiative:

  • Organizers of the 16th edition of the hospitality school competition.
  • InternAfrika: A valued FSACCI member and champion of young talent in the hospitality industry, providing a life-changing prize to the winning student.
  • Key figures: Alexandre Barrière-Izard (CEO of InternAfrika), French Consul in Cape Town, Sophie Bel, Cape Deputy Mayor Eddie Andrews, and Stephan Kacedan (Director of African Eagle).

By highlighting InternAfrika's support for this important competition and the incredible prize awarded, the FSACCI celebrates their dedication to fostering a strong future for the South African hospitality sector.

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